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Welcome to my web site!

This is the beginning of the Simoli web site.  Just so you know up front, I do not have any artistic skills nor have I ever claimed to have them.  So, with that in mind, as you look through this site and see things that can be improved, just send me a note.


4/20/2010 - Added Indoor Volleyball

3/27/2010  - Added Broom Ball

6/7/2009    - Added Volleyball Tournament

6/2/2009   - Updated People and Birds and created Time Lapse

4/21/2009 - Added Simone's page

3/19/2009 - Added car picture

3/16/2009 - Added Papaw's 65th B-Day

3/7/2009 - Added Frog petition

2/22/2009 - Updated 2008 FLL Robotics with Dingell pics

1/16/2009 - New 2009 Auto Show page

1/13/2009  - New 2007 Vacation page


Any questions or comments - Email me

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